This guide helps you understand built gameplay image can be used in the frontend, and how a prove is generated to be ready to submitted on-chain.
Importing Gameplay Image
No need to do anything for this step
We have provided a boiler plate code in the scaffold project under <project-folder>/frontend/src/gameplay/gameplay.ts
This file will handle the necessary import of gameplay images. Allowing us to run code we have written in Rust from Javascript environment.
Using Spin Games Helper
The package @zkspin/lib
provides the essential tools for working with the gameplay and generating proofs.
Copy npm install @zkspin/lib
Copy import * from "@zkspin/lib" ;
Interact with the Gameplay
Initialize a SpinGame Instance
Copy let spin : SpinGame < SpinOPZKProverInput , SpinOPZKProverOutput > = new SpinGame ({
gameplay : new Gameplay () ,
gameplayProver : new SpinOPZKProver (
operator_url : OPZK_OPERATOR_URL ,
} ,
getPlayerNonce ,
) ,
const getPlayerNonce = async () => {
const player_address = getAccount (config).address;
if ( ! player_address) {
console .error ( "player address not found" );
throw new Error ( "player address not found" );
const player_nonce = await readContract (config , {
abi : SpinOPZKGameContractABI .abi ,
functionName : "getSubmissionNonce" ,
args : [player_address] ,
return player_nonce;
const getPlayerSignature = async (submissionHash : string ) => {
// get player address
const player_address = getAccount (config).address;
if ( ! player_address) {
console .error ( "player address not found" );
throw new Error ( "player address not found" );
const player_signature = await signMessage (config , {
message : {
raw : ethers .getBytes (submissionHash) ,
} ,
return { player_address , player_signature };
For local development, obtain OPERATOR_URL
by deploy a copy locally Deploy locally for dev
Copy const zkprover = new ZKProver ({
const spinZKProver = new SpinZKProver (zkprover);
let spin : SpinGame < SpinZKProverInput , SpinZKProverSubmissionData > = new SpinGame ({
gameplay : new Gameplay () ,
gameplayProver : spinZKProver ,
Use these credentials for cloud prover on us:
Copy VITE_ZK_CLOUD_USER_ADDRESS= "0xd8f157Cc95Bc40B4F0B58eb48046FebedbF26Bde"
VITE_ZK_CLOUD_USER_PRIVATE_KEY= "2763537251e2f27dc6a30179e7bf1747239180f45b92db059456b7da8194995a"
VITE_ZK_CLOUD_IMAGE_MD5= "b6fa3aff51d333b79e0991f9c8a624c6"
Start a New Gameplay
Copy await spin .newGame ({
initialStates : [total_steps , current_position] ,
Get Current Game State
Copy const s : BigUint64Array = spin .getCurrentGameState ();
console .log (s)
// [10, 1]
Generate a Prove for Submission
Copy const submissionData = await spin .generateSubmission ({
initialState : [
10 // total_steps
1 , // current_position
] ,
playerActions : [ 0 , 1 , 1 , 1 ] ,
metaData : {
game_id : BigInt ( 123 ) ,
} ,
The submissionData
will be used to interact with the blockchain to prove and save the states.
Trouble Shooting
Handling Changes In Gameplay File Path
Our scaffold project after running zkspin init ...
provides a working example, but the frontend assumes the position of the gameplay/export
folder relatively.
For whatever reason, if the path to the export/
folder changes, you can adjust this in gameplay.ts
Copy // frontend/src/gameplay/gameplay.ts
import { GameplayAbstract } from "@zkspin/lib" ;
import {
default as init ,
initialize_game ,
step as _step ,
get_game_state ,
} from "../../../gameplay/export/js/esm" ;
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ change this path
Last updated 3 months ago